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Registration 2025-2026

 Yearly enrollment begins in late February for current families and late March for new families.

New families must complete an application and meet with MCA leadership prior to acceptance.

Music City Academy leadership reserves the right to accept or deny enrollment.


Registration fees:

 $255 for one student

$285 for two students

$315 for three or more students



 $240 per year for 1-hour classes

$340 per year for 1-1⁄2-hour classes.

Materials, books, and supply fees will be an additional cost.

Private instruction classes/lessons will be based on the tutor and subject.

Payment for classes may be paid by the semester or monthly by either check payable to the tutor or cash.

Our school year will run 30 weeks.


Any returned check will incur a service charge for bank fees.

Repeated returned checks will require cash only payments.

All enrollment fees and payments are NON-REFUNDABLE.

Class fees and Tuition will not be returned for withdrawal or dismissal.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students are required to complete their work completely and to the best of their ability. Work should be their own. Plagiarism, cheating, lying, and copying or allowing others to copy work (this does not include class notes) are all forms of academic misconduct and are not permissible in any MCA class. If a student is suspected of academic misconduct MCA follows the policy outlined below: Leadership will be notified of the infraction by the tutor. The tutor will notify the student and a grade of “0” will be given for the assignment. If the student feels he/she has not erroneously completed the assignment he will be given a chance to present information to defend his actions. The tutor will contact the parent about the situation. Repeated offenses could lead to removal from the class and/or tutorial.



Code of Conduct




If a student consistently shows disrespect to others or does not follow the rules, MCA will employ a “three strikes you’re out”  policy.  After three disciplinary measures beyond verbal warnings are needed for any student throughout the year, that student will be dismissed from classes with no refunds given.  The “three strikes'' will not be given for small infractions in the classroom.  Strikes are given for behaviors deemed not befitting an MCA student.  


  • This is not subject to a vote.  Parents may or may not agree their child should have received a behavioral strike for an infraction.  It is strictly up to the MCA leadership.


Behaviors include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Profanity/vulgarity

  2. Being outwardly disrespectful to MCA staff or anyone else present at school, field trips, or school related activities

  3. Any threatening or bullying activity - MCA staff will make the call

  4. Tobacco in any form/Vaping

  5. Fighting /  Verbal Abuse

  6. Bullying

  7. Taking the Lord’s name in vain

  8. Distraction/Disorderly conduct

  9. Cheating, lying, or plagiarism

  10. Dress code violation

  11. Failure to complete academic assignment - multiple incidences - a pattern of behavior

  12. Tardiness - multiple incidences - a pattern of behavior

  13. Disruptive behavior that leads to removal from class


Immediate Expulsion (student does not have to have any other strikes)








Damaging school/church property


Please note that there is always the possibility that ANY inappropriate behavior, whether listed here or not listed at all, if deemed inappropriate by MCA leadership, could result in immediate expulsion of the student. The number of strikes a student already has would be irrelevant. These behaviors could include, but are not limited to, using drugs or alcohol on or off school property, damaging property, bullying or fighting another student when not in self defense, or realistically threatening the life of anyone - MCA student or not.  This would depend on the severity of the student’s actions and is not subject to a vote including parents’ opinions on whether the consequence is appropriate for their student’s actions. Behaviors resulting in immediate expulsion are not limited to only behaviors found on the above list. 


We hope that everyone understands the undertaking Music City Academy is accepting in being responsible for the safety and well-being of our students. We want the very best for all of our students. This disciplinary policy should comfort all the parents who are bringing your children to attend classes at MCA, with peace of mind in knowing that your child will be well cared for and protected to the best of our abilities. If you have any hesitations as to whether we may be ‘too strict’ for your child, we urge you to reconsider whether we might be a good fit for your family. 


Please understand that the rules and expectations will be the same for every student, whether the parent is present or not. Please do not cause your student to receive disciplinary measures for your decisions about whether they need to follow the rules and expectations as always. Please be sure your children understand this as well.

If a student consistently shows disrespect to others or does not follow the rules, MCA will employ a “three strikes you’re out”  policy.  After three disciplinary measures beyond verbal warnings are needed for any student throughout the year, that student will be dismissed from classes with no refunds given.  The “three strikes'' will not be given for small infractions in the classroom.  Strikes are given for behaviors deemed not befitting an MCA student.  


  • This is not subject to a vote.  Parents may or may not agree their child should have received a behavioral strike for an infraction.  It is strictly up to the MCA leadership.


Behaviors include, but are not limited to the following:

  1. Profanity/vulgarity

  2. Being outwardly disrespectful to MCA staff or anyone else present at school, field trips, or school related activities

  3. Any threatening or bullying activity - MCA staff will make the call

  4. Tobacco in any form/Vaping

  5. Fighting /  Verbal Abuse

  6. Bullying

  7. Taking the Lord’s name in vain

  8. Distraction/Disorderly conduct

  9. Cheating, lying, or plagiarism

  10. Dress code violation

  11. Failure to complete academic assignment - multiple incidences - a pattern of behavior

  12. Tardiness - multiple incidences - a pattern of behavior

  13. Disruptive behavior that leads to removal from class


Immediate Expulsion (student does not have to have any other strikes)








Damaging school/church property


Please note that there is always the possibility that ANY inappropriate behavior, whether listed here or not listed at all, if deemed inappropriate by MCA leadership, could result in immediate expulsion of the student. The number of strikes a student already has would be irrelevant. These behaviors could include, but are not limited to, using drugs or alcohol on or off school property, damaging property, bullying or fighting another student when not in self defense, or realistically threatening the life of anyone - MCA student or not.  This would depend on the severity of the student’s actions and is not subject to a vote including parents’ opinions on whether the consequence is appropriate for their student’s actions. Behaviors resulting in immediate expulsion are not limited to only behaviors found on the above list. 


We hope that everyone understands the undertaking Music City Academy is accepting in being responsible for the safety and well-being of our students. We want the very best for all of our students. This disciplinary policy should comfort all the parents who are bringing your children to attend classes at MCA, with peace of mind in knowing that your child will be well cared for and protected to the best of our abilities. If you have any hesitations as to whether we may be ‘too strict’ for your child, we urge you to reconsider whether we might be a good fit for your family. 


Please understand that the rules and expectations will be the same for every student, whether the parent is present or not. Please do not cause your student to receive disciplinary measures for your decisions about whether they need to follow the rules and expectations as always. Please be sure your children understand this as well.


Dress Code

We expect students and faculty to be appropriate in their attire while at Music City Academy or while attending MCA events. We ask that parents monitor compliance before their student leaves the house to ensure everything meets our guidelines. While we are asking parents to enforce the dress code, the MCA leadership  reserves the right to make decisions regarding dress and what would be considered inappropriate.


The following clothing items should not be worn by either students or faculty. This list provides some common ground on which to make attire-related decisions. The following clothing items are prohibited:

 • Tank tops with straps less than three fingers wide, halter tops, and muscle shirts, crop tops

 • See-through or skin-tight clothing

 • Shorts or skirts (above mid-thigh)

 • Clothing that does not fully cover cleavage or undergarments

•. Jeans with holes or rips above mid thigh 

 • Leggings (unless accompanied by a long shirt)

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