Class Descriptions
ACT Prep
Teacher: Jennifer Dixon
Grades: 10th-12th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: The Official ACT Prep Guide 2025-2026 ISBN: 978-1-394-33588-6, ACT approved calculator (specifics at www.act.org)
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1½ - 2 hours
Class Description: Class time will be spent learning techniques, content and skills for answering ACT Prep questions along with taking practice tests.
Advanced Life Skills
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $40
Requirements: Clothes to get dirty in on occasion
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: In this class we will go more in depth than the life skills and home maintenance class. Mainly focusing on in depth repairing or installing in the areas of vehicle repair, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, lock smithing, and gun smithing. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me.
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $40
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: In this class we will learn all different aspects of agriculture, farming, and some horticulture. Like how to grow plants and crops. How to take care of animals and the need for farming for food. Everything for taking care of house plants to taking care of a crop. I’ve had a little over 10 years of experience taking care of a mini farm. Raising animals for sale to include mini pigs, goats, donkeys, chickens, ducks, turkeys, guinea fowl, peafowl (peacocks). If you have any questions about this class, please feel free to contact me.
Algebra 1
Teacher: Kelly Weaver
Grades: 8th - 9th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: Math U See Student Workbook Legacy Edition
Math U See Instructor Manual Legacy Edition (Parents do not need to buy this new. These are very reasonable when you find them used. Check Thrift Books, curriculum sales or Kelly Weaver.) Access to a computer and the internet. There may be a few things that your student will want to print. A notebook to take notes, Pencils, a protractor.
Students will NOT need the MUS Test Booklet, the Algebra blocks or access to the MUS digital pack for this class. All tests will be through Google Forms.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: Algebra 1 introduces students to variables, algebraic expressions, equations, inequalities, functions, and all their multiple representations. In this class, students will develop the ability to explore and solve real-world application problems and communicate mathematical ideas clearly. This course lays the foundation for mathematical literacy that will help students be successful in every subsequent course in mathematics.
In this course, we will use the Math U See Legacy Edition Algebra 1 PLUS other supplementary materials that will need to be accessed online and/or printed.
Algebra 2
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 9th-11th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: All Things Algebra 2; Publisher: All Things Algebra, Laptop to bring to class, access to printer and scanner, TI-84 Graphing Calculator, notebook paper, pencils, ruler, 3-ring binder to hold course materials, folder to turn in assignments, colored pencils (for home use), dividers for binder, graphing paper.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 5 hours
Class Description: Algebra 2 begins with a review of Algebra I topics and introduces the following new topics: matrices, complex numbers, exponential and logarithmic functions, conic sections, higher degree polynomial functions, sequences and series, and trigonometry. This course is required for students who are planning to attend most post-secondary institutions. Students will work with graphing calculators throughout Algebra 2.
American Literature
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 10th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: 3-ring binder, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil, Highlighters, The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This course is an examination of American literature, grammar, and writing. Skills covered will be citing textual evidence, making inferences, annotating text, analyzing theme, characterization, word choice & language, sequence of events, and plot structure. We will also examine different types of writing. Students should expect quizzes and tests over all of our texts. They will also participate in class discussions and both small group and individual projects.
American Sign Language 1
Teacher: Stacie Livingstone
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: The Joy of Signing - 3rd edition by Lottie L Riekehof ISBN 978-1607313618 & 1” binder
Estimated Weekly Homework: We will not have many written homework assignments but practice at home throughout the week is required.
Class Description: We will learn basic signs in order to communicate with the deaf. ASL is not the same as spoken American English and is considered to be a foreign language based on the complex grammar, pronunciation, word order, and non-manual signals. We will learn about Deaf culture, ASL structure, and practice receptive and expressive sign language skills. We will also sign stories, songs and have opportunities to meet and converse with Deaf students. You will enjoy learning this beautiful language!
American Sign Language 2
Teacher: Stacie Livingstone
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $5
Requirements: Notebook paper and a pencil
Estimated Weekly Homework: We will not have many written homework assignments but practice at home throughout the week is required.
Class Description: Join us for ASL 2!. We will be picking up where we left off for ASL 1. We will begin with a lot of review and then dive deeper into deaf culture, learn about important people in the field, more vocabulary, and ASL sentence structure. There will be minimal written work. Daily practice is a must.
Art History
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: Short Lessons in Art History: Artists and Their Works by Phillys Clausen Barker ISBN: 9780825142451, 2 Sharpened Pencils, Portable Pencil Sharpener, Artist’s Eraser, 24-Pack Colored Pencils, 2 Sharpie Fine-Tipped Markers (Black), Yellow Spiral Notebook
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: This is a full-year high school level course worth 1 art credit for high school graduation. Students will learn about various artists, their styles, and their artistic contributions through reading the text, participating in class discussions, and attempting to recreate some works of art and techniques. Taken from the Publisher’s site: “Short Lessons in Art History is a fantastic introduction to the artists who have shaped the artistic world from Giotto in 1266 to Alexander Calder in 1976. Each artist's life is explored, along with their major works, public reaction, and impact upon the world and art after their deaths.”
Art of Mathematics (Fall Semester)
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: Students will need the following materials for this course: pencil, colored pencils, ruler, protractor, metal compass, drawing paper (like a sketchpad), regular notebook paper, regular blank paper, folder or notebook.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 5 hours
Class Description: This course explores the fascinating connections between art and mathematics throughout history, highlighting the artistic movements and works that were influenced by mathematical principles. Students will examine how mathematical concepts such as geometry, symmetry, and proportions have shaped artistic creation across different periods. Topics covered include an exhibition of art-math masterpieces, the study of Aestheometry, the use of functions in art imaging, the Fibonacci spiral in visual arts, and the concept of fractals and dimensions. Students will also explore geometric constructions, Gothic art, and the role of origami in understanding spatial relations and paper-folding geometry. The course will dive into patterns in the Portuguese pavement, polyhedra and perspective, and the influence of Renaissance art and geometry. Further, the golden ratio in both arts and architecture will be studied, along with an exploration of the mathematical art of M.C. Escher.
Art with Mixed Media
Teacher: Shelby Edmonds
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: none (teacher provided)
Class Description: Students in grades 6-12 will learn the basics of drawing, watercolor painting, paper cutting, and oil pastels. Students will develop skills in each medium while learning how to creatively combine them to produce unique, expressive artwork. This course encourages experimentation, creativity, and development of individual art style!
*This class may be taken more than once
Audio Engineering (Spring Semester Only)
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: This class we will go over how to set up different types of sound equipment and how to run a sound board. This is a great class so you can help with sound at church on Sundays or do live events. We will mainly be using Behringer digital mixers. I have many years of working sound for live events. For local and touring bands at a smaller venue. I also have experience working sound for bigger events too. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 10th-12th
Class Fee: $60
Requirements: Apologia Exploring Creation with Biology, 3rd Edition ISBN-13: 9781946506450, paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This biology course covers the science and chemistry of life, ecology, cell structure and function, cellular energy, DNA and genetics, prokaryotes and viruses, protists and fungi, plant diversity and reproduction, plant structure and function, and the biology of various types of animals. Class fee includes supplies for dissections and experiment components.
Book Club - Middle School
Teacher: Lisa Widelock
Grades: 6th-8th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: Amos Fortune, Free Man by Elizabeth Yates, The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, The Endless Steppe by Esther Hautzig, Journey to Topaz by Yoshiko Uchida, The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis, The Giver by Lois Lowry, The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin
Class Description: Characters and plots and themes! Oh my! Get ready to embark on a journey through literature! While meeting interesting characters from different times in history, some real and some invented, we will hear stories of great triumph and tragedy and mystery. Discussing universal human nature and predictable human behavior, we will grow in knowledge and understanding through a Biblical worldview.
Book Club - High School
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: 3-ring binder, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil, Highlighter, Izzy Willy Nilly by Cynthia Voight *Students will help determine the reading list for this class. I will give them choices and we will discuss them to choose what we will read. Parents will be given ample time to acquire the other texts for this class.
Class Description: In this class, we will read a variety of texts and have class discussions about them. I will have the students help choose the texts we will read so we can appeal to their interests. Most assignments will be project-based and students will sometimes work in small groups during class.
Career Exploration
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: Class materials will be supplied by instructor.
Binder, yellow 2 pocket folder, paper, pens, pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: This class will help prepare students to make solid career choices by investigating different careers and how to prepare for them, discovering personal strengths and passions, learning how to complete job applications, developing resumes, practicing interviewing skills, and more.
Career Exploration – Middle School (Fall Semester)
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: Class materials will be provided by the instructor.
Binder and paper, yellow 2 pocket folder, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: We will dive into a variety of career fields and how to prepare and succeed to thrive in a future career. Guest speakers will share real world experience and knowledge about careers. We will discover our interests and talents and learn the basics of acquiring a job.
Teacher: Gayle Hayes
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Textbook and materials will be selected once Apologia releases their updates in March.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: Chemistry, a lab science, is an amazing journey toward understanding matter at the microscopic level, how and why it changes and the energy involved. Prerequisites for this class are Physical Science and Algebra 1.
Teacher: Mike Petty
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Essential Musicianship: A Comprehensive Choral Method: Voice Theory Sight-Reading Performance (Essential Elements for Choir), pencil with eraser, notebook, folder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: In this class, we will be learning how to sing with proper posture and breath support. We will be utilizing vocal techniques such as tongue and vowel placement. We will use solfeggio (DO, RE, MI, etc) and will learn how to sight read, in order to learn notes. Students will learn about the difference between melody and harmony. We will learn our singing ranges and how to find our difference voices with chest, mixed, head and for males, falsetto. Finally, we will sing new and fun songs together, using all of these new fundamentals that we have learned in the class through previous warm-ups, exercises, and more.
Computer Applications
Teacher: Mike Petty
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: Students will be required to bring a charged laptop to each class. The laptops will need to have all of the main Microsoft office products installed on them such as Word, Excel and Power Point.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: In the world we live in today, it is crucial that students understand how to utilize the technology around them. In this class, students will mainly focus on learning Microsoft office programs such as Word, Excel and Power Point. Students will have hands on training with each of these programs and by the end of the class, will be able to create professional projects with each. These programs are critical for students to learn for the present and future. The more the students know about computer applications now, the better prepared they will be for the job world and computer driven classes.
Cooking – Middle School
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 6th-8th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: **Chef’s Knife, **Paring Knife, Cutting Board, 2 Microfiber towels,
Apron, 1.5” binder (I will provide dividers.) 2 Pencils – sharpened
**Knives must be given to the instructor at the August Parent Meeting.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: The focus of the JH Cooking class is to give students confidence in the kitchen through the development of basic meal preparation and cooking skills. Throughout the year, students will be required to assist with meal preparation at their home. By the end of the year, students will prepare an entire meal for their family, with minimal to no assistance. This is a full-year course that will cover the following topics: Taste vs. Flavor, Introduction to the Kitchen, Kitchen Safety, Recipe Structure, Kitchen Calculations, Knife Skills, Basic Cooking Methods, Beginners Baking, Menu Planning,• Food Budgets and Shopping Lists, Table Setting, The Chemistry of the Cookie
Homework will include assigned items for preparing and/or cooking at home. Our course includes a chili/soup tasting, a cookie swap, and other events where the students will share their creations with their classmates.
CPR/First Aid/Babysitting
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $60 includes certifications.
Requirements: TBD
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: In this course, students will acquire essential babysitting safety knowledge for both the children in their care and themselves. Additionally, they will learn CPR, first aid, and AED. Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive certification in babysitting safety, CPR, first aid, and AED, which is valid for two years.
Critical Thinking/Logic (Spring Semester)
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee:
Estimated Weekly Homework:
Class Description: COMING SOON
Crochet and Sewing
Teacher: Caroline Johnson
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: basic sewing machine, scissors, students will need to provide fabric and yarn for projects – specifics will be given in class
Class Description: Sewing and Crocheting is not just for grandmas! Students will learn the fundamentals of sewing, including how to operate a machine, use an iron, follow patterns, and use various sewing tools. For the crochet portion of this class students will learn many skills such as the basics of crocheting all the way to advanced skills, how to prevent hand fatigue and carpal tunnel, how to read and make your own patterns and so much more! Suited for absolute beginners to advanced crocheters.
Culinary Arts
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 9th – 12th
Class Fee: $80
Requirements: **Chef’s Knife, **Paring Knife, Cutting Board, 2 Microfiber towels,
Apron, 1.5” binder (I will provide dividers.) 2 Pencils – sharpened
**Knives must be given to the instructor at the August Parent Meeting.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: The focus of the High School Culinary Arts class is to equip students with basic & intermediate culinary skills, giving students the confidence to prepare quality meals for themselves and others at home or in a professional food service business. I utilize the training manual for the Culinary Institute of America as the foundation for this course. Also, students will hear from a handful of local food service entrepreneurs, take an occasional field trip to local markets and food service businesses, and learn how to use their cooking skills to serve others. Homework will include assigned items for preparing and/or cooking at home, meal planning, and an occasional research topic. This is a full year HS Culinary Arts course that will cover the following topics: Proper Knife Skills, Basic Cooking Methods, Recipe Structure & Menu Development, Making Healthy Choices, The 5 Mother Sauces, Chemistry of a Cookie, Pasta Making, International Foods, Seasonal Foods, A “Chopped” Basket Challenge,• Bread Making, Dorm Room Cooking, and more!
Cyphers, Codes and a History of Spies
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 6th – 8th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: 2 Pencils – sharpened, 12 Colored Pencils or Small Tipped Markers, Scissors (NOT Safety Scissors), Black Sharpie Marker – medium or fine tip, Ruler, Yellow Spiral Notebook, 1” Binder (I will provide dividers)
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: This class is a fun, hands-on exploration of secret communications throughout world history. Students will learn about various methods of cryptic communication and the historical use of codes, cyphers, and cryptology. We will create our own codes, cyphers, invisible ink, etc. while learning to decipher codes. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: Morse Code, Navajo Sanguage, Quilts of the Underground Railroad, Smoke signals, Animal Communication, Hieroglyphics, Military Alphabet, Invisible Ink, Creating Passwords
Cryptic Communication through the Ages, Escape Rooms, Amongst other topics
Teacher: Shelby Edmonds
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: none (teacher provided)
Class Description: Students in 6-12th grade will learn the fundamentals of drawing through exploring linework, shapes, perspective, proportion, and shading. Students will experiment with these skills by trying out a variety of art styles.
Drawing the Proverbs
Teacher: Lisa Widelock
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: Draw to Learn Proverbs (Easy-to-Use Bible and Art Lessons for All Ages) Spiral-bound by Ray and Charlene Notgrass ISBN-10 : 1933410108 ISBN-13 : 978-1933410104 *A pencil (2B drawing pencil preferred). *Good quality colored pencils made for artists (recommend the Prismacolor® brand)
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: Read through Proverbs as you illustrate its wonderful principles for living. Think and draw about wisdom, speech, family relationships, work, and more. We will read and discuss the verses in class and then illustrate. Hide God's word in your heart in this Bible/creative arts class. ****This is not instruction in drawing, and you do not have to be an artist***
English: 6th - 7th Grade
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 6th – 7th
Class Fee: $25
Requirements: Fix It! Grammar: Robin Hood Teacher/Student Combo Level 3
ISBN-13: 9781623413774 (publication date 2021)
Saxon Grammar & Writing 7, Student Workbook, 2nd Edition
ISBN-13: 9780544044302
I will supply the items for our Literary Elements and Poetry studies.
Literature List: The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis ISBN: 0064471101
Number the Stars by Lois Lowery ISBN: 0547577095
The required curriculum can be found at Christianbooks.com.
Required Supplies: 1 Yellow Highlighter, 12-Pack of Colored Pencils, 2 Sharpened Pencils, Red Ink Pen, Blue Spiral Notebook, 1 ½ inch 3-Ring Binder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This is a complete middle school English class with an emphasis on grammar, writing, and literary elements. Also, students will read 2-3 classic literature books, complete book studies and participate in class discussions. The purpose of this class is to prepare students for high school English and beyond by strengthening their communication and analytic skills.
***The Tuesday MS Writing Lab is NOT required but is highly recommended for all MS students. In the Writing Lab, students receive more personalized instruction for their level of writing skill. See the Tuesday Writing Lab Class Sheet for more information.
English: 8th Grade
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 8th
Class Fee: $25
Requirements: Fix It! Grammar: Mowgli and Shere Khan, Student Book and Teacher’s Manual set Level 4; 4th Edition ISBN: 9781623413781
Saxon Grammar & Writing 8, Student Workbook, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 9780544044333
Literature List: And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie,
A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind by Brian Mealer and William Kamkwamba, The required curriculum can be found at Christianbooks.com. I will supply the items for our Literary Elements and Poetry studies.
Required Supplies: 1 Yellow Highlighter, 2 Sharpened Pencils, 12-pack Colored Pencils, Red Ink Pen, Green Spiral Notebook, 1.5-2 inch 3-Ring Binder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This is a complete middle school English class with an emphasis on grammar, writing, and literary elements. Also, students will read 3 classic literature books or biographies, complete book studies, and participate in class discussions. The purpose of this class is to prepare students for high school English and beyond by strengthening their communication and analytic skills.
***The Tuesday MS Writing Lab is NOT required but is highly recommended for all MS students. In the Writing Lab, students receive more personalized instruction for their level of writing skill. See the Tuesday Writing Lab Class Sheet for more information.
English – 9th Grade
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 9th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: 3-ring binder, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil, Highlighters, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, No Fear Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet, And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie, The Princess Bride by William Goldman
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: In this course, students will study the elements of fiction through a variety of texts, including short stories, novels, and plays. We will also study some poetry. If time allows, we will work on some research concepts as well. Along the way, we will work on grammar and writing skills to prepare students to take future English classes.
Family and Consumer Sciences
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: 1 inch binder with dividers, paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: This course equips students with essential life skills needed for independence and success in everyday life. Through a series of hands-on activities, students will learn to manage their time, budget their money, and prepare nutritious meals and much more. From opening a bank account to building a resume, sewing on a button to cooking a complete dinner, students will gain practical experience that will serve them throughout their lives. By the end of the course, students will have the confidence and tools necessary to navigate life’s daily challenges with ease and efficiency.
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 10th-12th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: Geometry: Concepts and Applications, Student Edition ISBN 978-0-07-879914-3, Students need to bring a laptop to most classes. Home access to a computer and printer with scanner is required for the course. TI-84 Graphing Calculator, notebook paper, pencils, ruler, 3-ring binder to hold course materials, folder to turn in assignments, colored pencils (for home use), dividers for binder, graphing paper, metal compass, and protractor.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 5 hours
Class Description: Geometry is the visual study of shapes, sizes, patterns, and positions. It occurs in all cultures, through at least one of these five strands of human activities: building/structures; machines/motion; navigating/star-gazing; art/patterns; and measurement. Geometry uses arithmetic and algebra as tools to mathematically describe the spatial realm. The class will explore both theory and application of classic (Euclidean) and other types of geometry (Cartesian, Trigonometry). The geometry course is a comprehensive look at the study of geometric concepts including the basic elements of geometry, proofs, parallel and perpendicular lines, the coordinate plane, triangles, quadrilaterals, polygons, circles, trigonometry, congruence and similarity, surface area, volume and transformations. Students will work with graphing calculators throughout geometry.
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 11th-12th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: “Abeka American Government,” http://www.abeka.com “Work and Prosperity,” http://www.abeka.com “Lawn Boy” by Gary Paulson Binder to keep class materials in 2 two-pocket folders
Estimated Weekly Homework: 3-4 hours
Class Description: Government(fall): This class will focus on local, state, and national governments. Students will learn the rights and responsibilities they have as U.S. citizens through a thorough study of the Constitution. Economics(spring): We will focus on the U.S. economic system and the economic systems of other countries. We will examine the ideals of our global economy and the effects these ideals have on our government and everyday lives. Grades will be based on class participation, homework, projects, and quizzes/tests.
Group Guitar
Teacher: Mike Petty
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: Hal Leonard Guitar Method Book 1, guitar, pick, notebook, pencil with eraser
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: In this class, we will learn all of the basic fundamentals of playing classical and rhythm (contemporary) guitar. Students will learn all about the guitar, how to properly tune, change strings, play individual notes, play chords, etc. They will learn how to play to written sheet music as well and will be required to play both written music and chord charts by the end of the class.
Home Essentials for Girls
Teacher: Hailee Emmons
Grades: 6th-8th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: Simple Country Living: Techniques, Recipes, and Wisdom for the Garden, Kitchen, and Beyond (Annette Thurmon) ISBN: 0760385408
(A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ (Abigail Dodds) ISBN:1433562693
1 inch binder with lined paper
Estimated Weekly Homework: little to none
Class Description: this class Girls will learn how to bake, garden, get your creativity flowing with interior design and all things home etc. This course will also dive into finding our identity in Christ. This is considered a Home Economics class but also falls into the Bible Category.
Imaginative Writing
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: Folder, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil
Estimated Weekly Homework: 3-4 hours
Class Description: In this course, students will work on their writing skills by learning to write creatively. We will write fun, short pieces as we learn about the parts of a story. This will lead up to writing a full short story on a topic of the student’s choice. Students will also work in small groups to improve their teamwork skills. Along the way, we will work on grammar and editing skills.
Interior Design Basics (Spring Semester)
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: The Interior Design Handbook by Frida Ramstedt
ISBN 9780593139318, 1 Yellow Highlighter, 2 Sharpened Pencils, 24-pack Colored Pencils, Fine Point Black Sharpie, Medium Point Black Sharpie, Purple or Black Spiral Notebook, Protractor and Compass Set, 2 inch 3-Ring Binder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: This class focuses on the basics of creating a beautiful space you love to spend time in, no matter what your style is. Students will learn the basic principles and rules of thumb for design, the roles color and lighting play in design, the tools to bring it all together, and how to plan an interior project. Also, I will present an overview of the variety of design styles available, how to choose the right style for you, and how to mix styles. Students will practice their skills in class as a group and individually at home using items on-hand.
Kingdom Men
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: TBD
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to embody the qualities of a godly man in contemporary society. Understand the concept of servanthood and cultivate the ability to treat individuals with respect and integrity. Develop the virtue of walking in sonship, embodying the attributes of a righteous and noble individual.
Lego Learning
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee:
Estimated Weekly Homework:
Class Description: Coming Soon
Life Science
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 7th- 8th
Class Fee: $40
Requirements: Abeka Science: Order and Design Second Edition, paper,
pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: From taking a look at the things you might find in your backyard to the species that occupy the rainforest, students will receive a greater understanding of the beautiful world that God has created. Other topics included are healthy living, the miraculous stages of a baby’s development, exploring the animals of the sea, the intricate designs of plant life, and more! Class fee includes supplies for four dissections/experiments.
Life Skills
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $40
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: We will be going over many home repair projects and knowledge of tools, plumbing, electrical, carpentry, HVAC, locksmithing, and basic car repair and maintenance. Firearm safety and knowledge will also be apart of this class. We will also go over other related subjects that the class maybe interested in. Feel free to contact me if you need more information.
Logic Through Games
Teacher: Lisa Widelock
Grades: 6th- 9th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: none
Class Description: People of all ages love to play games that are fun and motivating. Games give students opportunities to explore fundamental concepts in a hands-on way. Students learn to think logically, analyze, strategize, and problem solve. This class will be engaging and interactive. It will be an exciting way to learn!
Math – Middle School
Teacher: Kelly Weaver
Grades: 6th- 7th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: Saxon 7/6 fourth edition student text, Saxon 7/6 fourth edition Solutions manual, Spiral notebook, Pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: Saxon is unique in its math approach. The philosophy of the curriculum is that students learn by doing and that students cannot fully learn a concept on the day it is introduced. Therefore, this system uses spiral teaching and students spend most of their math homework time reviewing past lessons while slowly building in the new concepts from each lesson. I will introduce new concepts each week during class and work a few practice problems on each lesson. Students will work on the same lessons during the week I cover on Thursday. A syllabus will be given in August with each week’s lessons covered. Students will complete the practice problem set for the lessons indicated for each week and a parent will check answers. Students should correct wrong answers. A test will be given every week for graded work.
Students will be prepared for a PreAlgebra class upon completion of this course.
Middle School Science
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 6th - 7th
Class Fee: $40
Requirements: Abeka Observing God's World, Fourth Edition, paper,
pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: From the tiny amoeba to the grand Milky Way galaxy, students will see the intricate precision and design that God has established within our universe. Middle school science gives an overview of plants, invertebrates, space, chemistry, and the earth’s structure. Students will also learn about famous scientists and enjoy hands-on science demonstrations and observations. Class fee includes dissection specimens and experiment components.
Music Appreciation
Teacher: Mike Petty
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: pencil with an eraser, notebook, folder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: In this class, we will learn all about how to read music from the bass and treble clefs. We will learn how to count all of the different types of musical notes. Students will learn how to play basic piano together. We will have fun and interactive rhythmic and counting exercises as well.
Movies As Literature
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Pen, Pencil, Paper, Books as assigned
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2-4 hours
Class Description: In this class, we will watch films that have been made from books. Sometimes we will also examine the texts and compare them to the film. Texts and films will vary by genre. The class will help determine what films/texts we use.
Teacher: Rachel Poole
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: none
Class Description: Learn how to move your body in a fun, encouraging atmosphere! Fitness is important for all ages- it is extremely important for school aged children to set themselves up for a healthy life. We will play Games, learn how to play new sports and the basics of fitness!
Performing Arts
Teacher: Caroline Johnson
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: “overcome the notion that we must be regular; it robs you of the chance to be extraordinary” -Uta Hagen In this class we learn why performing is so much more than reciting lines or pretending to feel things. We will cover different methods of acting, basics of different dance styles as well as the history of performing arts.
Personal Finance (Fall Semester)
Teacher: Jeff Leurs
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: Dave Ramsey’s total money makeover book
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: Learn about household finances: how to budget, invest, and stay out of debt. Learn how to go to college debt free and many more things!
Physical Science
Teacher: Gayle Hayes
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Apologia "Exploring Creation with Physical Science 4th Edition" textbook AND student notebook. Calculator. Pocket folder for handouts.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: Physical Science is a lab science that provides an introduction to Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science concepts. The lessons and labs provide a foundation for students when they progress to one or more of these subjects later. Algebra 1 is a prerequisite, since there are a number of mathematical equations presented in this course.
Teacher: Kelly Weaver
Grades: 7th- 9th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: Key to Algebra Books 1 – 6 (available at Christian Book and Amazon)
Solutions books for Books 1 – 7. A nice compass, protractor, spiral notebook, Plenty of pencils, There will be some pages to print at home.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This class is designed for an 8th grade student or strong 7th grade math student. We will use books 1 – 6 from the Key To Algebra curriculum along with supplemental materials for geometry and review skills worksheets. I have used this curriculum for many years and love the progression and practice to prepare students for Algebra 1. The full 10 book Key to Algebra series is an Algebra course but it falls short to prepare students for Algebra 2 and the ACT. However, it is perfect to prepare the PreAlgebra student for a tougher Algebra course. The Key to Algebra books are consumable workbooks and the Solutions books are separate. Our class will only cover the first 6 books. PreGeometry will be taught as well. No books are needed but materials will need to be printed. Each week students will have assignments and review work presented in a day-by-day schedule. Parents will check each day’s work. Students will need to be able to use a computer and access the internet to turn in and complete weekly assignments. Students will be prepared for a full, robust Algebra and Geometry course upon completion. Please feel free to reach out if you have questions about your student.
Teacher: Marie Trapp
Grades: 11th-12th
Class Fee: $50
Requirements: Precalculus Essentials, Seventh Edition, Michael Sullivan (Pearson/Prentice Hall) Please contact teacher for book rental option. Laptop for class, access to printer and scanner, TI-84 Graphing Calculator, notebook paper, pencils, ruler, 3-ring binder to hold course materials, folder to turn in assignments, colored pencils (for home use), dividers for binder, graphing paper. Highly recommended students take the additional Pre-Calculus Math Lab on Tuesdays.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 5 hours
Class Description: This course offers a comprehensive review of key mathematical concepts in algebra and pre-calculus. Topics covered include quadratic and linear functions, their properties, and graphing techniques. Students will also explore parent functions, polynomial and rational functions, as well as exponential and logarithmic functions. The course delves into conic sections (circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas) and provides an introduction to trigonometry, including trigonometric functions and identities. Additionally, the course introduces sequences and series, as well as fundamental concepts in statistics and probability, to build a strong foundation for future mathematical studies.
Rhythm and Percussion
Teacher: Mike Petty
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $10
Requirements: pencil with an eraser, folder, drumsticks and a pad drum
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 hour
Class Description: In this class, we will learn all about rhythm, drum notation, playing to a click, counting, rudiments, syncopation and will use various percussion instruments. We will have specific warmups that will help us to use our wrists properly when playing the drums. We will learn and take turns on the drum set and will learn how to move around the drum kit. By the end of the class, we will know how to play several songs on snare, percussion and for some select students, the drum set.
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 11th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: 3-ring binder with 5 dividers, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil, Highlighters, No Fear Shakespeare Hamlet, Lord of the Flies by William Golding
Estimated Weekly Homework: 4 hours
Class Description: This course is a writing course in which we will explore the different types of writing, including descriptive, narrative, expository, persuasive, and research. In this class, students will improve their overall writing by examining their writing habits and by learning to edit their own work. We will also cover some literary analysis.
Science Lab – Middle School
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 6th-8th
Class Fee: $60
Requirements: paper, pen or pencil, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: Science is FUN! In this hands-on class students will dive deep into the world of science through experiments, observations, and projects that make learning both fun and educational. From exploring the basics of biology and chemistry to understanding the principles of physics and environmental science, students will engage in a variety of lab activities designed to spark curiosity and critical thinking. They'll learn to use scientific tools, collect data, and draw conclusions from real-world experiments. Whether testing reactions, exploring ecosystems, or dissections, students will develop a solid understanding of key scientific concepts while building important skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, and communication. By the end of the course, students will have a greater appreciation for how science impacts their everyday lives and the world around them.
Science Lab – High School
Teacher: Reba Johnson
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $60
Requirements: paper, pen or pencil, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: minimal
Class Description: This course provides high school students with an engaging, hands-on approach to learning the core principles of science through laboratory experiments, critical thinking, and problem-solving activities. Students will explore a wide range of topics, including biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science, while developing a deep understanding of the scientific method and how to conduct experiments safely and effectively. From dissecting specimens and balancing chemical equations to investigating physical laws and analyzing environmental systems, students will gain practical experience in using scientific tools, analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. Collaboration and communication will be emphasized as students present their findings and engage in discussions. By the end of the course, students will be prepared to tackle more advanced science topics and appreciate the real-world applications of scientific knowledge in everyday life.
Social Dance
Teacher: Mark & Kami Weber
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: none
Requirements: none
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2 hours
Spanish 1
Teacher: Patricia Aguilar “Ms. Pats”
Grades: 8th-12th
Class Fee: $50 (includes workbooks)
Requirements: 25 sheets (composition paper), 1 2inch binder, Color pencils or markers, 1 pencil or pen, 1 pair of scissors, 4 dividers, 1 glue stick.
Homework Estimate: 3-5 hours weekly
Class Description: Spanish 1 is designed for students who have never taken a Spanish class before. The curriculum is strategically designed toward the acquisition of the most frequently occurring words used in daily interaction (listening, speaking, writing, and reading domains). You will learn through games, repetition, and listening to full-on conversations. There will be lots of interaction, movement, and fun while learning. Grammar and spelling will be taught while studying the stories from the workbooks and book. Students will have homework, oral presentations, group activities, and written assessments.
Spanish 2
Teacher: Patricia Aguilar “Ms. Pats”
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $50 (includes workbooks)
Requirements: 25 sheets (composition paper), 1 2inch binder, Color pencils or markers, 1 pencil or pen, 1 pair of scissors, 4 dividers, 1 glue stick.
Homework Estimate: 3-5 hours weekly
Class Description: We will review the basics from Spanish 1 and we will speak in Spanish from the first class: Greetings, numbers, colors, parts of the body, food, actions (verbs in present, past and future tenses), animals, clothing, family, places, dates, seasons, weather, community and time. We will start answering questions, writing short stories, and talking every week in class to learn the correct structure of the sentences. You will be able to answer questions about what, who, when, where, why, how and which. You will also read the book “Patricia va a California”, using the TPR method (Total Physical Response-use of movement to memorize and learn) to enjoy the adventures of a group of teenagers during an exchange program in the USA. Grammar and spelling will be taught while studying the book. We will celebrate several holidays in class to learn more about the culture (Día de Muertos, birthday songs, Navidad, posadas, día de Reyes, la Candelaria, Día de San Valentín and dances). There will be homework every week, oral presentations, group activities, projects, and written assessments.
Study Skills (Spring Semester)
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Binder and paper, Yellow 2 pocket folder, Pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1 - 2 hours
Class Description: This class will equip students with skills to improve their learning habits. Some areas we will focus on include: time management, note-taking, test prep, organization, goal setting, and active reading skills. The instructor will provide class materials.
Tennessee History
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: Exploring Tennessee (Vintage Edition) $40
Binder and paper, Orange 2 pocket folder, pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2 hours
Class Description: Students will explore the story of Tennessee from indigenous peoples to current times. We will study the cultural, geographic, economic, and political influences upon her history. Class will include fun projects and potentially field trips as well. The instructor will provide additional materials for student use.
Textile Arts (Fall Semester)
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 6th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: Ruler, Tailor’s Measuring Tape, Fabric Scissors, 2 Sharpened Pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2 hours
Class Description: In this class, we will use various textiles to create art. Some creations will be functional while others will be purely for enjoyment. Items students might create include coasters, keychains, bookmarks, display bowls, string art, holiday-themed items, and more. We will use textiles such as fabric, wood, wire, yarn, leather, etc. to create these works of art. Also, each student will make a blanket to donate to the Linus Project.
US History
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: “American History” by James P. Stoubough (Masterbooks Curriculum)- you need the textbook only – most recent edition. ISBN 13 9781683442257, Two blue 2 pocket folders, binder, paper, pen, pencil
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2-4 hours
Class Description: This class covers the history of our nation from her beginning to current times. It is a high school-level class and will incorporate group discussions and analytical thinking about our great country. Projects and presentations will make this class full of fun learning!
US History and Presidents
Teacher: Marla Poole
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $15
Requirements: American History Through the Eyes of the Presidents - This is only available as a digital copy so students will need to download before classes begin. Order from www.dailyskillbuilding.com. Binder and paper, Two green 2 pocket folders
pens, pencils, colored pencils
Estimated Weekly Homework: 2 hours
Class Description: American History Through the Eyes of the Presidents will bring history to LIFE through studying about the lives, legacies, and major events that happened during each of the past presidents’ terms.
Wellness and Nutrition
Teacher: Hailee Emmons
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $35
Requirements: Apologia 2nd Edition Health and Nutrition Basic Set (Text book + Student handbook), 3 folders, Pencils, Highlighter
Homework Estimate: 3-4 hours weekly
Class Description: The Science of Nutrition + Wellness will dive in depth into a biblical based study of how we are called to steward our bodies. This course will offer education in physical, nutritional, emotional, social, mental, and spiritual concepts. We will have many labs containing cooking, tracking, and more, as well as hopeful field trips to places where our food comes from to approaching the gym. Counting as a full 1 credit in science and a half credit in health.
World History
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: “Exploring World History” by Notgrass History - the Curriculum Package containing Part 1, Part 2, and In Their Words ISBN: 1609990641
1 inch 3-Ring Binder, Orange Spiral Notebook, 12-pack of Colored Pencils
2 Sharpened Pencils
The required curriculum can be found on the Notgrass History website.
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: I have included the following information from the Notgrass History website: “Exploring World History by Ray Notgrass is a one-year homeschool curriculum for high school that teaches students to understand history from a Christian perspective of faith in God and respect for the Bible.
Your high school student will gain a rich understanding of world history by reading the history narrative and primary source documents, reading classic literature, completing writing assignments and hands-on projects, and studying what the Bible says about issues and ideas in history.” Students only need Part 1, Part 2, and In Their Words. Homework will include reading assignments from the text, end of lesson activities, research and writing assignments, and in-class presentations.
World Literature
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman, Stacey.hinchman@yahoo.com
Grades: 10th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: 3-ring binder, Notebook paper, Pen, Pencil, Highlighters, No Fear Shakespeare Macbeth, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Night by Elie Wiesel *Other texts to be determined. Parents will be given ample time to get other required texts.
Homework Estimate: 4-5 hours weekly
Class Description: This course is a study in world literature from ancient times to modern times. Students will learn the elements of fiction and how to apply them to various literary texts. In addition, students will learn how to write literary analysis papers about the texts we read. Throughout each unit, students will work on both individual and small group projects. Along the way, we will work on grammar and writing skills.
Writing Lab – High School
Teacher: Stacey Hinchman
Grades: 9th-12th
Class Fee: $20
Requirements: Papers on which the student needs help
Class Description: This is a writing lab to help students improve on their writing. They will bring in assignments from other classes, and they will receive help on them to make necessary improvements.
Writing Lab – Middle School
Teacher: Angie Cox
Grades: 6th- 8th
Class Fee: $30
Requirements: 1 Yellow Highlighter, 2 Sharpened Pencils, 12-pack Colored Pencils, Red Ink Pen, Orange Spiral Notebook, 1.5 inch 3-Ring Binder
Estimated Weekly Homework: 1-2 hours
Class Description: A personalized writing lab for all MS students, no matter their writing abilities. This lab-class will focus on strengthening the student’s written communication skills for academic writing, imaginative writing, and everyday communications. Students will learn to write their thoughts in a clear and concise manner, to build and write a proper 5-Paragraph Essay, and to create a visual image in the reader’s mind. Along the way, they will learn the techniques of brainstorming, the importance of word choice, the art of being descriptive without being wordy, the process of expanding a topic sentence into a solid paragraph, and the need for mature simplicity to communicate ideas while building credibility.